
Lawrence Technological University

SPS Resources

Society of Physics Students (National)

The SPS National Website.

Society of Physics Students (Zone 7)

The SPS Zone 7 (Michigan LP, Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania) Website.

Sigma Pi Sigma

Sigma Pi Sigma is a national honors organization with the aim of recognizing achievements among physics students, faculty, and researchers; and encouraging general interest in physics in conjunction with the Society of Physics Students and the American Physical Society.

If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at ltu.sps[at]!

APS/IDEA Resources

American Physical Society

The American Physical Society promotes interest in physics and publishes its own scientific journals. First-time membership for students is free.

Eastern Great Lakes Section of the American Physical Society

APS members in LTU are part of the Eastern Great Lakes Section of APS, which covers Michigan, Ohio, and half of Indiana.

APS Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance

The APS IDEA unites physics departments, laboratories, and other interested groups to promote and undertake institutional changes that improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in the physics field.

APS Careers

Resources for careers in physics for undergraduates, graduates, and others.

Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics

The CUWiP are a series of regional scientific conferences that promote the physics research undertaken of undergraduate women and share information about career paths and graduate school.

APS National Mentoring Community

The APS National Mentoring Community allows African American, Hispanic American, and Indigenous American students to recieve mentorship from other APS members. The page also has resources for DACA recipients.

APS Bridge Program

The APS Bridge Program for graduate students seeks to improve representation of racial minorty groups in PhD Programs through mentoring and "a national network of doctoral-granting institutions."

Black in Physics

Black in Physics is a project aimed at encouraging supportive environments for Black physicists and physics students, as well as encouraging interest in science in the Black community.

APS LGBT+ Physicists

The APS LGBT+ committee aims to improve the climate towards the LGBTQ+ community in physics and end harrassement of those individuals. On this page you can read their findings, recommendations, reports, and access their resources, including LGBT+ physicists and Out in STEM.

American Institute of Physics

The American Institute of Physics is a federation of physics organizations with the collective aim to promote physics research and stimulate interest in the field.

Project Include

From their website: "Project Include’s mission is to give everyone a fair chance to succeed in tech. We are a non-profit that uses data and advocacy to accelerate diversity and inclusion solutions in the tech industry." They recommend that companies and organizations use inclusion, comprehensiveness, and accountability as a basis for positive reforms.

Scholarships for women in STEM

Linked from Madison Trust, a financial planning website, this is a list of scholarships available to women pursuing a degree in STEM subjects.

Physics at LTU

Bachelor of Science in Physics

The LTU BS in Physics program is a 125 credit-hour curriculum that focuses on teaching a variety of subjects in physics and the mathematical background for them. Physics students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on real research projects, through which they can attend scientific conferences, publish material, and contribute to the field. A dual degree consisting of Physics and Mathematical Sciences is also available. It is also possible to double-major in physics and another field of study.

Bachelor of Science in Physics + Computer Science

The LTU BS in Physics and Computer Science program is a 127 credit-hour curriculum that focuses on teaching a variety of subjects in physics and the mathematical background for them. It differs from the traditional physics program through the addition of computer science courses as a supplement. Physics students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on real research projects, through which they can attend scientific conferences, publish material, and contribute to the field. It is also possible to double-major in physics + computer science and another field of study.

Minor in Physics

The LTU Minor in Physics program is a 20 credit-hour curriculum that focuses on teaching a variety of subjects in physics. Any student may choose to pursue a physics minor in addition to their major program(s) and other minor program(s). Physics students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on real research projects, through which they can attend scientific conferences, publish material, and contribute to the field.

If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at physics[at]!

Prospective Students

Lawrence Tech Admissions

The LTU Admissions Depertment website is the main page for prospective students.

Admissions Events

Visit the Future Students page for information regarding contacts with faculty, admissions programs, events, and tours.

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